Business Areas

  • Business Areas
  • Creation of a Foundation for Communication Services
  • Comparing and Purchasing Al Ddeul Phone Plans

Comparing and Purchasing
Al Ddeul Phone Plans

As part of the policy to boost Al Ddeul Phone, customized information is provided to users through comparison of affordable phone plans

※Al Ddeul Phone: A new Korean word for mobile telecommunication resale service, collectively referring to low-cost plans and products sold by Al Ddeul Phone operators


Main Business

  • Provide the information on
    the Al Ddeul Phone customized plan
    and support subscription
  • Subscription to cell-phone
    damage insurance
  • Purchase of
    used cell-phones
Provide the information on the Al Ddeul Phone customized plan and support subscription
  • ㆍProvide reasonable pricing information for subscribers
Subscription to cell-phone damage insurance
  • ㆍProvide information on mobile phone damage insurance and support subscription
Purchase of used cell-phones
  • ㆍProvide price information of and purchase support for used cell phones

Business Procedure