Business Areas

  • Business Areas
  • Information and Communication Qualification/Certification Evaluation
  • High-speed Information and Communication Building Certification

High-speed Information and Communication Building Certification

KAIT creates a foundation to resolve the bottleneck of high-speed information and communication networks and accommodate future broadcasting and communications convergence services by promoting the advancement of in-house communication line facilities


Main Business

Subject of Certification
  • ㆍHigh-speed Information and Communication Building Certification System: Buildings with 20 households or more among multi-family houses under the Building Act and buildings with a total floor area of 3,300㎡ or more
  • ㆍHome Network Building Certification: Buildings with 20 households or more among multi-family houses under the Building Act
Types of certification and evaluation
  • ㆍPreliminary certification: Confirm compliance with the criteria by grade through document review, such as design drawings of in-house communication facilities, etc. of buildings that have obtained construction permission
  • ㆍMain certification: Evaluate on site the completed building's in-house communication facilities(environmental examination, optical measurement, UTP measurement, etc.) to confirm whether the building meets the criteria for each grade
Certification Level
  • ㆍHigh-speed information and communication building certification (special grade, first grade, second grade), Home network building certification (AAA(Home IOT) grade, AA grade, and A grade)
Certificate issuance
  • ㆍThe certification authority (Central Radio Management Service) issues a certificate if the criteria are met for the certification type and grade.
  • ㆍFive certification offices nationwide (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Gwangju) for Preliminary certification (Local certification offices for Main certification)

Business Procedure