
  • Business Areas
  • Information and Communication Qualification/Certification Evaluation
  • The Official Approval Test for KAIT Certified Professional

The Official Approval Test for
KAIT Certified Professional

Create an environment for training and supply of technical professionals in line with changes in ICT technology and environment


The Official Approval Test for KAIT Certified Professional
  • ㆍThe Official Approval Test for KAIT Certified Professional (KAIT-CP) is a qualification system operated by Korea Association for ICT Promotion(KAIT) based on the Framework Act on Broadcasting and Communications Development, and a fair and reliable model certification in ICT fields necessary in real life and industrial sites through the development and evaluation of human resources from basic literacy to professional skills by ICT field.

  • ㆍThe Official Approval Test for KAIT Certified Professional consists of 7 categories and 16 grades, and consists of 2 national qualifications, including Digital Information Ability Test(DIAT) and Linux Master, as well as 5 private qualifications, including Search Advertising Marketer and Python Master.

Guidance on major qualifications

  • 1. Digital Information Ability Test (Authorized private qualification))
     ㆍModel OA qualification test that can be immediately used for learning or office work such as PowerPoint, Excel, and Hangeul
  • 2. Linux Master (Authorized private qualification))
     ㆍQualification for verifying basic knowledge of Linux OS and Linux-based server network management practical skills required to Linux system administrators
  • 3. Search Advertising Marketer (private qualification))
     ㆍDigital marketing qualification test cultivating basic knowledge on online business and marketing and reflecting the field work of the nation's leading advertising companies
  • 4. 4. Python Master (private qualification)
     ㆍQualification test for training and verifying programming professionals building services and infrastructure in major IT fields who understand and are able to utilize Python


  • ㆍOnline applications through the qualification website(www.ihd.or.kr), and by visiting 13 regional headquarters nationwide
  • ㆍVisiting reception through 13 regional headquarters nationwide

이메일무단수집거부. 본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일주소가 전자우편수집 프로그앰이나 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반 시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됩니다. 게시일: 2022년 7월 13일